Coriolis 6

Sommaire :

Working together (Mercator – Coriolis).

What new services will be provided by MyOcean

Euro-Argo : Towards a sustained european contribution to ARGO

CORIOLIS : A one-stop shopping to ocean data collected from the JCOMM networks

CORA (CORIOLIS Ocean Database for re-Analyses), a new comprehensive and qualified ocean in-situ dataset from 1900 to 2008 and its use in GLORYS

Global Ocean indicators

ANDRO : An ARGO-based deep displacement atlas

Bi-directionnal satellite communications on new profiling floats

RECOPESCA : a new example of participative approach to collect in-situ environmental and fisheries data

The Fawn Through : a major pathway for the antarctic circumpolar current accross the Kerguelen platea