Coriolis participation at Science Docks - Brest 2016
Every 4 years Brest organises its International Maritime Festival. This 7th edition was held on 13-19 July 2016 celebrating the sea and sailing, past and present. It was the occasion to increase public awareness of sciences and climate change with the visit of the Sciences Village called Quai des Sciences. |
Scientists and innovative companies exhibited their work on Ocean and Climate theme : “observe the ocean, better understand the climate change”. Coriolis partners with JCOMMOPS and Euro-argo ERIC participated actively to this exhibition, in particular they showed how to observe the ocean with different instruments (profiling floats, drifters, opportunity vessels, tide gauge, satellites,…) and explained some phenomenons such as ENSO, the oceanic circulation, biogeochemical mechanism,... We could measure the public interest on this subject with 21 000 visitors over 6 days. |
The Bark Europa and the Thalassa vessels |