Advanced Variables

CORIOLIS R&D team distributes products on advanced ocean variables : mixed-layer depth, barrier layer, thickness...

Those advanced variables (e.g. Mixed Layer Depth, Barrier Layer Thickness...) are all exclusively computed from in-situ measurements of Temperature (T) and Salinity (S) made at sea and obtained from oceanographic data centers.

The methodology used to construct the datasets is basically the one presented in de Boyer Montégut et al. (JGR, 2004) with possible adjustments and evolutions. The computation of advanced ocean variables (e.g. Mixed Layer Depth...) is done from T/S ocean profiles and from maps, climatologies or indexes constructed at different space/time resolutions.

In the whole process, there are 3 levels of datasets available :


  • LEVEL 1 (L1): ocean Profile Data of a variable (T or S for us) in the form of T(z), S(z) at a given location/date. It can also be called a station when several profiles variables exist. Those data are not produced nor distributed but some links are given from where you can get them (see Level 1 link above or from the menu on the left).


  • LEVEL 2 (L2): Pointwise Data of advanced ocean variables computed from the Profile Data (L1). Those data are generated and distributed.


  • LEVEL 3 (L3): Gridded Data in the form of maps, climatologies or indexes of advanced ocean variables. That kind of data is obtained from the L2 data after more or less elaborated statistic treatment most of the time. Those data are generated and distributed.

For detailed informations on methodology and data, click here.